Some Rather Large Bills Coming Our Way

Cars Often Expensive And Unreliable Like Men!

Cars Often Expensive And Unreliable
Like Men!


S – before posting today’s texts I feel I should explain that Camilla and I have both had “car trouble” this week which has culminated in the prospect of some rather large bills. Camilla and I were cleaning together today as we had the chance to service some flats that have remained unsold for some time. Both our cars are in the garage so we were using an old banger that her garage had lent her. When I got home my Michael was a little pompous and overbearing about the problems with my car and the overly large bill that is coming our way.

16 December 2013

S – have just got home and things are just as we discussed – it is my fault that the head gasket has gone on the Citroen. According to my husband, I do not drive using enough revs and I change into fourth gear too soon! This apparently causes head gaskets to deteriorate. We had rather a loud discussion about this theory and I did point our that I had never, in my 33 years of driving, experienced this problem. Why do men think that they are so much more competent behing the wheel of a car than a woman?

C – I haven no idea. On another note I have changed GP as I am fed up with the “no appointment” system that my old one used. I have had to fill in a form with general information along with a large number of questions about my drinking habits. This question in particular was a little alarming “How often in the last year have you found you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?” – OMG think I might have to be economical with the truth regarding that one.

S – yes, GPs would have us all tea total if they had their way.

2 thoughts on “Some Rather Large Bills Coming Our Way

  1. I would answer that luckily I had not often found I was not able to stop drinking once I had started and that had helped me from becoming dehydrated and then dying. What a stupid question! Plus don’t worry what you put for the number of units as they get doubled anyway as we don’t believe you!!!


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